L'agence nationale de sécurité du médicament (ANSM) a récemment annoncé l'ajout de plusieursnouveaux cannabinoïdesà la liste officielle des substances classées comme stupéfiants en France.
Cette décision fait partie d'une stratégie plus large visant à contrôler et réguler l'usage de certains produits potentiellement dangereux pour la santé publique.
Dans cet articleHigh Vaping, nous analyserons les nouveauxcannabinoïdes ajoutésà cette liste, les raisons derrière ces classifications et les implications pour lesconsommateurset les producteurs.
Apparues sur le marché français en 2021, les puffs, ces cigarettes électroniques jetables pré-remplies et aux goûts souvent fruités, ont rapidement conquis un large public, en particulier chez les jeunes.
Leur simplicité d’utilisation, leur prix modique et leurs arômes attractifs ont contribué à leur succès fulgurant. Cependant, ces produits suscitent de nombreuses inquiétudes, tant sur le plan de la santé publique que de l’environnement.
Face à ces préoccupations, la question de la réglementation des puffs se pose. Découvrons ensemble avecHigh Vapingles dispositifs mis en place pour réglementer le commerce et la consommation de puffs en France.
La cigarette électroniquea révolutionné la manière dont les gens consomment de la nicotine.
Parmi les nombreuses innovations en matière d’e-liquides,le sel de nicotineest devenu un produit prisé par les vapoteurs du monde entier.
Mais qu'est-ce exactement que le sel de nicotine, et pourquoi attire-t-il autant l'attention ?
Cet articleHigh Vapingexplore la composition et les avantages associés à ce type spécifique de nicotine.
They talk about us
Very nice home. Very nice person and very good advice. There is a wide choice of juices. To test their Naruto range!
Fox Mulder
Recommended by a friend, I do not regret having trusted High Vaping to switch to vaping and stop smoking. Very large selection of devices and liquids, great listening and very pleasant shop!
Sébastien Simonot
Always well received, a huge choice of different liquids and electronic cigarettes! I have been going to this store for 6 months and have never been disappointed! I highly recommend !
Marie Lanquetin
In the top ! Damien and Jeremy are very welcoming. I went there for the first time in March and I returned often to ask questions. In addition, they are very commercial. The loyalty system is great, it allows you to have free cash or a free cigarette if you save your points. I highly recommend !
Sophie Bouin
I recommend this store! The sellers are very welcoming and give very good advice. A large selection of liquids and they also offer “home made” liquids (excellent by the way)!! And a great choice of quality for electronic cigarettes! Go there, you will have a great time!
david marco
Great store with involved and particularly professional sellers! I bought an Argus Air, which was recommended to me to quit smoking. I am delighted about it ! Plus the store is super nice, in short, a great environment with great advisors! I really recommend this shop!
Shop that lives up to its reputation! The manager is really friendly and has very good advice. I went there twice, once to buy the products and a second time to be recommended a different liquid, I was warmly welcomed. It really helps to start quitting cigarettes.
Damien and Jérémy are adorable, they create flavors themselves, they are full of good advice, in short it's been my vape shop for over 2 years now I only go to them!
The sellers are very, very nice, they give people good advice. I'm a beginner, I don't know much about CE, they all explain, they ask questions to help us find the liquids or CE that suits us. Very very satisfied, I recommend!
Gergo Baracius
Great welcome from sheet metal workers Damien and Jérémy. I owe them the gentle smoking cessation. Lots of good advice, quality equipment and lots of exclusive products. Vegas is addictive! A great address.
Pierre Roy
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